Dr. Sanjog Oral Cancer specialist in Nagpur

Oral cancer is a serious health concern affecting thousands of individuals worldwide. Understanding its causes, symptoms, and treatment options is crucial for early detection and effective management. Dr. Sanjog Singh stands out as a prominent Oral Cavity Cancer specialist in Nagpur, offering comprehensive care and expertise in battling this debilitating disease.

Also referred to as head and neck cancer, oral cancer is among the most dangerous oral ailments more persistent in the Indian population due to their oral habits like smoking, betel, pan, and tobacco. However, cancer growth in humans is slow and difficult to detect. Basically, oral cancer occurs in the oral cavity and the oropharyngeal area. 

The myths surrounding its prevalence, diagnosis, and treatment for the Indian population persist, and it is becoming more challenging to educate and treat cancers in those. In this blog piece, we tried our best to cover an in-depth review of some prevailing myths among people regarding oral cancer. 

Let’s Start Discussing The Oral Cancer Myths And Facts!

Myth #1: Oral cancer is easy to detect without screening!

Fact: It is a belief among many, but the reality differs. It isn’t. You may develop oral cancer without any visible signs or discomfort. Thus, screening is absolutely necessary to diagnose and confirm oral cancer. Keep regular appointments with your specialist to ensure prompt treatment.

Myth #2: Oral cancer screening is only for patients at high risk!

Fact: Maintaining proper oral health is essential in both older and younger individuals. Dental cancer screening is part of most dental examinations, and it is important in detecting early cancer when it is the most curable. During this non-invasive routine, your specialist will look for oral cancer symptoms in your mouth, throat, and tongue. If the doctor spots unusual discoloration, sores, or lumps in your mouth, you might undergo further tests to determine the problem.

Myth #3: Only Tobacco chewers ,smokers and drinkers can get oral cancer!

Fact: Tobacco and alcohol consumption are both major risk factors for oral cancer, however, you can still be trapped by the disease even if you don’t drink or smoke. Although genetics play a role in the possibility of getting oral cancer, other risks include a sharp tooth ,  weak immune system, long-term exposure to sun, HPV infection, poor diet, etc.

Myth #4: My oral cancer has gone away, so no worries now!

Fact: The fact is that once you have an oral cancer diagnosis, you’re more likely to develop another. It’s the reason you should be vigilant even after being treated. There is a chance of recurrence of oral cancer, particularly if risk factors like drinking alcohol or smoking persist. Thus, regular follow-up visits are vital to monitor and detect early signs of recurrence.

Myth #5: Oral cancer is not a condition that commonly occurs!

Fact: Oral cancer is amongst the commonest cancers in males and especially in the Indian subcontinent, it’s an extremely serious disease that affects hundreds of people each year, and especially causes more deformity and death when reported in advanced stages .

Myth #6: Oral cancer cancer be treated by chemotherapy or radiation 

Fact: The doctors build the oral cancer treatment strategy on a range of factors, including the cancer’s extent and location. Surgery is the mainstay of treatment in oral cancer in most of the sites of the oral cavity except oropharynx ( back of the palate and back of the tongue region ) .Surgery gives the best chance to the patient  in removing cancerous tissue, however there are other treatment options as well. Radiation therapy is a method of killing cancerous tumors or shrinking them with chemotherapy.They work well or best when given as additional treatments after surgery and benefit the patient the most . Sometimes patients want only chemotherapy or radiation and not surgery even when it is needed but then that causes the disease to remain in the oral cavity or neck .The targeted therapy can attack certain cancerous cells while minimizing the harm to healthy cells.

Myth #7: You can’t prevent oral cancer!

Fact: While there isn’t a sure way to end the disease from its roots, we can surely lower the risk by following the right treatment and management strategies. Protecting yourself from oral cancer can begin by saying no to smoking and chewing tobacco ,reducing alcohol intake and also reducing the number of oral sex partners which prevents HPV infection .You must include more fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet to lower your chances of developing mouth cancer. Also, consume less alcohol and reduce exposure to the sun’s UV rays that hit your lips.

Myth #8: Cancer Screening can be costly!

Fact: The cost usually depends on the kind of screening conducted and the amount of screening. Even without insurance, screening for oral cancer is a minimal cost to pay for security as well as early identification.A regular dental check up or if you just see an ulcer or a patch ( red , white , or black ) in the oral cavity which is not healing and decreased mouth opening due to ( kharra or Gutkha ) chewing you should get it checked with a Head and Neck Oncosurgeon .

Myth #9: Oral Cancer is contagious!

Fact: People who are suffering can live an identically normal life an ordinary life could be. Sharing, staying together, and having a normal professional, personal, and sexual life is totally acceptable and is even possible. Additionally, there is no evidence to suggest an inheritance pattern linked to oral cancer.

Common Oral Cancer Symptoms

Non healing ulcer in cheek or tongue for more than 1 month .

Reduced mouth opening and burning sensation in cheeks .

Loosening of teeth in one specific region with gum ulcer

Restricted movement of tongue 

Pain radiating from tongue to the ear on one side 

  • hoarseness or difficulty speaking
  • lumps or sores present in your lips or in your mouth that don’t heal
  • white or red spots on the lining of your mouth, tongue, gums, or tonsils
  • unusual bleeding in your mouth
  • you feel like you have something getting stuck inside your throat
  • difficulty with swallowing

Lowering Your Risk Factors

  • Avoid using tobacco products
  • Limit alcohol consumption
  • Protect yourself from HPV
  • Eat lots of vegetables and fruits
  • Limit your sun exposure
  • Get regular dental exams


We tried our best to cover the most common myths surrounding oral cancer and their actual facts. If you know the reality, you easily suspect any oral cancer symptom development and take action accordingly. The early diagnosis of oral cancer is crucial because it is better to be safe by scheduling regular screenings for oral cancer.

Smoking tobacco and other related substances are the primary reason for the development of oral cancer. If you’re worried about your risk, speak with an experienced and knowledgeable oncologist, Dr. Sanjog ,Oral Cavity Cancer specialist in Nagpur. With decades of experience delivering the most effective and advanced treatments for cancer patients, the specialist will assist you with the best treatment strategies.

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